Friday, October 14, 2011

Effective face-lift method? Simple and effective face-lift method? Fast and effective face-lift method?

Use of scraping techniques, along the face and neck lymph lightly scraping, appeal to help gas, blood, water cycle, so that the loop is smooth, not only has basic relaxing muscle effect, can be used as the face scraping preparatory steps, also helps skin absorption of skin care products ingredients. In a spiral way light scraping from the brow, forehead to scrape along the midline to beauty tip; then from the brow to scraping and forehead and temple circle. Both sides were repeated 1 to 2 times. In a spiral way by alar side inclined top circle to light scraping to the temples; the mouth to the oblique upper circle light scraping to malar under. Both sides were repeated 1 to 2 times. Along with chin as a starting point, mandible, above, to draw circles to obliquely upward blow gently to earlobe front, repeated 1 to 2 times around the. Finally to brow as a starting point, along the bridge of the nose side, from the top down draw a small circle of light blows to the nose, repeated 1 to 2 times around the. Role: lymphatic drainage, water discharge and face
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