Monday, September 5, 2011

Abdomen methods to defeat a small pot

1, six in the evening before dinner

Experts say 4 hours before bedtime to eat dinner is not easy to gain weight. But if you have a small pot of people, may wish to arrange an earlier dinner at 6 pm, let the stomach in sufficient time to digest before going to bed, emptying, so that accumulation of abdominal fat was not, and it may have a flat lower abdomen.

2, Chinese thin abdominal

Medicine to physical conditioning, and promote fat metabolism. Please consult Chinese medicine practitioners for your body to open a few to pay for blood circulation, regulate gastrointestinal function and a sweating effect of Chinese medicine will be good results. However, attention must be selected consistent with their physical effects of traditional Chinese medicine will be a good thin abdominal Oh! !

3, sea salt massage

After the bath, grab a handful of sea salt, massage the abdomen around the navel 50 laps clockwise, then counterclockwise massage 50 laps, and then massage your hands overlap 50 times up and down hard. Sea salt can contribute to the body of waste discharge, but also to promote fat metabolism, mineral supplement for the skin, delicate skin to the abdomen tight. Persist 1-2 months, you will find a narrow waist Oh!

4, abdominal breathing

Also introduced in the previous abdominal breathing to lose weight, abdominal breathing can actually thin the lower abdomen, because abdominal breathing can not only stimulate the gastrointestinal motility, promoting the body stool discharge, more abdominal fat burning speed. Every night, nest on the sofa watching TV in bed before going to sleep or when to do ten minutes of abdominal breathing: nose slow and heavy breathing, slowly feeling of abdominal bulge, HOLD living breathing after a few seconds, from the mouth and then exhale slowly, feeling the abdomen sag. Note abdominal breathing per minute to 5-6 times. Breathing to focus on the ups and downs in the abdomen, every day a month to see results.

5, the bed turn gymnastics

Lying in bed, hands folded on his chest, back close to the bed, legs slightly bent, head and upper body rotation to the left, turn right legs simultaneously, pause a few seconds after the head and upper body to the right, legs then turn left, repeat the actions 1 to 2 minutes, you will feel a slight fever sweating abdomen. Persist for a week, thin waist and can see results soon! It is said that this seemingly simple action is Nicole Kidman Kidman wonderful shape to maintain the secret!

6, before going to bed to eat calcium

There are three human body fat: omental fat, subcutaneous fat and blood fat. Subcutaneous fat, causing obesity, fat, blood fat will lead to terrible cardiovascular disease, omental fat is like a big bag hanging in the stomach below the excess calories and fat accumulation in the pocket, so Waist thicker belly prominent. Sufficient calcium to allow rapid dissolution of omental fat. The absorption of calcium is best at night, so the calcium can be thin belly before going to bed. But instead of calcium milk before bed is not wise, because the milk contains large amounts of protein and neutral fat, the body metabolism slows down at night, not consumption, but will make bigger belly!

7, overlooking the thin belly sleeping

If you eat too much at night, their backs make excess fat accumulation in the lower abdomen around the waist to form a bucket with sudden lower abdomen, lower abdomen because of the pressure on their backs almost zero! Simple replacement of sleeping position can help with digestion and the circulatory system to promote the metabolism, burn more calories! Prone sleeping position to be able to consume more abdominal fat, waist, flat stomach quickly. But pay attention to the prone sleeping position will put pressure on the spine, or even cause breathing difficulties, or to be adjusted, depending on their physical condition

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