Monday, September 5, 2011

Rapid slimming super effective fall 7 prescriptions

Fast 1 prescriptions: kelp.

Seaweed food rich in vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium and so on minerals, to health, especially to want to get rid of body weight and improve lower body curve of female friends, the more, the better."! Kelp contains large amounts of iodine, such minerals help the body of thyroid function improvement for heat consumption, and the body the new supersedes the old. Quite helpful, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss and weight control. The addition of iodine, potassium is to eliminate body floats the meat very helpful minerals. Potassium can help balance within the body of the sodium, potassium and too little if within the body, causing the body sodium and potassium imbalance excess sodium will take the water flow, causing cellular edema, the weight can float flesh more obvious. But if the potassium ion body taken in sufficient quantities, sodium ions will not put the excess moisture retention. So the potassium ion can help the body of excess water metabolic elimination of edema improved float flesh modification curve. Seaweed is containing these minerals and helpful to the body.

In addition to kelp and many other alga food are we can choose, such as kelp ( Laminaria and large than that of algae, red algae, green algae, cyanobacteria ), brown and so on, there are selling these algae concentration or concentrated solution, also can buy natural kelp home cuisine, but any help food in cooking, remember! As far as possible the steamed or boiled, with less salt, less sugar, less oil and cooking, will not lose the original slimming purposes oh! In addition to this diet also as far as possible the equilibrium uptake, not too picky, just not overcorrect oh!

Fast 2 prescriptions: bananas dipped in honey

Banana is rich in dietary fiber, can stimulate the gastrointestinal peristalsis, help excretion. If you eat nothing, only eat bananas dipped in honey, dinner calories than low, naturally slim down. However, such a rapid weight loss, because the body often do not adapt and adverse reactions. If long-term living on bananas, the lack of body protein, minerals and other nutrients, slowly your body will issue a warning of danger.

Fast 3 prescriptions: eat grapefruit

Grapefruit is rich in vitamin C, sugar is not high also, if eating a grapefruit instead of a meal, of course, low heat, if other meal calories are controlled, after a period of time naturally slim down. But if your body is weak, it is best to eat a few slices of high fiber cracker, prevent because fasting may not stand the acidity of the stomach caused pain.

Lemon is rich in vitamins, can reduce the incidence of freckles, spots, and some whitening effect. Lemon vinegar has the same lipolytic effect after small drink can make themselves more beautiful slim. But lemon vinegar acidity is high, fasting drink or drink too much will hurt the stomach.

Fast: eat the apple meal" remedies 4"

Apple is a low card of high nutrition of fruit, because of this, many people used to do as a weight loss meal. You know, apple and general meals than heat, low many, certainly will slim down, but if things go on like this, unbalanced nutrition will make the body too much, but once stopped, weight will slowly rise.

Fast 5 prescriptions: eating guavas and tomatoes two kinds of fruits

Dietitians, weight loss spectrum, is based on each person different physique and demand adjustment, is not immutable and frozen, with fruits also differ from man to man. So, definitely not the only guavas and tomatoes will be included in the diet menu.

Pineapple is rich in vitamin B1, can promote the new supersedes the old., eliminating fatigue, rich in dietary fiber, allowing smoother digestion. Eat pineapple, can eat after the meal, not in the stomach is empty when edible, otherwise easily hurt by enzymes.

Fast: eat avocado remedies 6

Avocado contains large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, easy to let a person produce satiety, short term used to weight loss, have thin role, only then can not be resumed a normal diet, otherwise smooth stomach will produce incommensurate state. In addition, although the avocado plant containing fat, if eaten too much, the accumulated heat is also very impressive.

Fast 7 prescriptions: loquat slimming refinement

Loquat is rich in crude fiber and mineral elements. Hectogram loquat meat containing 0.4 grams of protein, 6.6 grams of carbohydrates, and contain vitamin B1 and vitamin C, is a very effective reducing weight fruit.

The theory of Chinese traditional medicine, diet should be based on the spleen, and water, and for this, and loquat with these functions, it is good to lose weight fruit. Loquat eat can be loquat paste or loquat gruel. Loquat paste method: rock sugar into the boiling water boil, add batch of meat to cook until thickened paste into. Loquat gruel method: with boiled sugar, then into the clean rice, cook until the porridge cooked in processed meat loquat, and cook for 10 minutes to

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