Monday, September 12, 2011

Early autumn weight loss in PK 9 help you thin

When autumn comes, also want to lose weight! Once the weather is getting cold, appetite will become larger, and the movement is changed little, obesity will stick body! Today give you 9 healthy the method reducing weight, allowing you to easily use the gold season!
1, learn to choose food
A healthy diet is the key to losing weight, so, you choose food is also very important! Want to lose weight, you must first from food. Selection of low calorie and high fiber vegetable & fruit, eat less fatty meat, rich in trans fatty acids to avoid junk food, these are very good food selection method! Of course, if we can make you home store food is in health, it would be a good idea.
2, open your weight loss plan
Weight loss is not a thing to feel ashamed. To correctly deal with the weight loss, it is just to make you more healthy and beautiful in a change mode. If you can put your weight loss plans to tell the people around him, like this not only can let you carry a sense of responsibility, can get more supervision and encourage oh!
3, keep a food journal
Diet diary is one of the important weapon in weight loss success. Spend a little time to record your diet, can allow you to better improve their diets, can also help you understand to let yourself get fat is not healthy eating ways, to reducing weight has a very big help. It is best to eat before recording, so, you will have more time to know is it right? It is necessary to eat.
4, to choose their own like sports
Don't always think that exercise is a very hard job. In fact, choose you like weight loss and exercise, can let you prefer to stick to the diet! Or you might say, you hate all sports. Then, easy walking you will not refuse! Exercise is the most effective way to lose weight, but such as jogging, yoga, swimming and so on are very beneficial to weight reducing exercise.
5, learn to eat too much reason
According to the study, most of the time we eat are not because of hunger. Binge eating occurred, are often derived from pressure or boring, lonely, depressed feelings, this is the so-called emotional eating. Want to suppress appetite, we must first understand that you eat too much, so can be disconnected from the source of your appetite, easily winning the weight battle oh!
6, do a" slow food" beauty
I don't know if you noticed, usually thin people eat more slowly. Slow eating speed, weight loss is the coup. According to the study, you start eating into the brain receives enough information for at least 20 minutes, and the slow eating rate can help you avoid because they do not know his full to eat more. In addition, slow eating speed can help you keep the image of lady!
7, let each meal is colorful
Let your meals are colorful, rich colors, that is to say, in your daily meals to add more fresh vegetable & fruit, yellow, orange, green and so on the color of the vegetable & fruit are ideal slimming food oh! Fresh vegetable & fruit contains not only very low in calories, they contain a large number of fibers can also help you increase satiety and eliminate constipation nutrients, is a detoxification slimming product.
8, stop dieting.
Dieting, most MM will choose the weight-loss method. However, in fact, diet is the most can make you more to reduce fat thin error. Excessive dieting will not give your body enough energy, it will slow down or even stop the burning of fat, while the intake of calories can not be fully consumed, it is natural not thin! Moreover, excessive dieting will lead to binge eating!
9, goals and plans to be reasonable
You can slim down the Arabian Nights myth. Do not believe the so-called God pills can help you lose weight effortlessly. Healthy weight loss, is always the best choice of fit. Reasonable weight loss goals is to make you successful weight-loss key, and there is no plan repeatedly lose weight, to want to have fit you, also is very adverse! Reduction in weekly 1-2 pounds is the ideal weight loss rate. And plan a daily diet and day 30 minutes of aerobic exercise and weight loss must be done

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